Senior Social Groups
Have you ever thought about joining a social club or group? Clubs are a fantastic way to connect with others, socialise and learn new things. There’s quite a few out there in Queensland. To find one, you can contact the Seniors Enquiry Line or Google search “seniors group + your suburb” to find one near you.
National Seniors – National Seniors operate branches all over Australia. Branches are a great place to get involved in discussing community issues, participate in social events, hear informative guest speakers and meet like-minded members. (blurb taken from the National Seniors website)
Probus – Many of this country’s retirees start to feel bored and lonely at some point, especially if they’ve lost a partner or are separated from their families but social groups like Probus can make all the difference. Probus has been providing friendship and fun to retirees for over 46 years and those members who discovered Probus in retirement have never looked back.
To find out more about Probus or to find your local Club, please call 1300 630 488 or visit our website at https://probussouthpacific.org/
Men’s Shed – Men’s Sheds provide a space for men to gather to socialise and learn new skills such as making furniture, perhaps restoring bicycles for a local school, making Mynah bird traps, fixing lawn mowers or making a cubby house for Camp Quality to raffle. You might also see a few young men working with the older men obtaining new skills and learning something about life from the men with whom they work. You might see local elders making traditional weapons or designing arts and crafts. You will see tea-bags, coffee cups and a comfortable area where men can sit and talk. You will probably also see an area where men can learn to cook for themselves or how to contact their families by computer. (blurb taken from the Men’s Shed website)
Older Women’s Network – OWN may provide the means for women to support each other, explore other cultures and learn new understanding in the pursuit of continuing health and new friendship. OWN (Qld) is a network of branches/groups. We value members and guests. Members are aged between forty-something and ninety-plus. Our Queensland branches are at Bribie Island, Capalaba, Gympie, Lutwyche, Mackay, Maroochydore, Mitchelton, Morayfield, Woody Point, and Wynnum Manly. (blurb taken from the Older Women’s Network website)
Australian War Widows – AWWQ has 27 groups around Queensland. They offer a happy welcoming space for meetings, activities and friendship. You can join a local sub branch/social group as a new member or an associate member. (blurb taken from the AWWQ website)
Senior Citizens Centres and Active 60’s and Better – In Queensland, you will find a few Senior Citizen Centres and Active 60’s and Better centres. These centres offer a place to socialise and connect with other seniors. At these centres you will find cards, indoor lawn bowls, arts and crafts, outings, lunches and guest speakers.
Neighbourhood Watch – Neighbourhood Watch Queensland provides a vital link between the Police and the Community. It also gives NHWQ members a direct point of contact with the police. You too can partake in helping Neighbourhood Watch Queensland to enhance engagement with the local community, and encouraging greater community participation through improved communication! Let’s work together to stay connected. (blurb taken from the Neighbourhood Watch website)
U3A – The University of the Third Age has locations across Australia as well as virtual options. We never stop learning. U3A offers courses in a wide range of topics – such as photography, computer skills, music, gardening, art, yoga, learn a language and so much more.
Walking Groups – The Heart Foundation facilitate walking groups all over Australia. Walking is a great way to work towards heart goals as well as socialise and connect with our community.
Senior Computer Clubs – There are several computer clubs all over Australia. These clubs offer classes and training in computers and technology. Some clubs may run regular meetings with guest speakers. To find a computer club in your area contact the Seniors Enquiry Line or Google search “seniors computer club + your suburb”.