Spotlight on: Elder Abuse Prevention Unit
1300 651 192 or (07) 3867 2525 (from interstate)
The Queensland Elder Abuse Prevention Unit operates a free, confidential helpline. It is a first contact point for anyone who experiences, witnesses or suspects that an older person is being abused by someone they know and trust, usually a family member.
The Elder Abuse Helpline is a source of information, support, and referral about elder abuse, and about protecting the rights, dignity and independence of older people.
What happens when you call the Elder Abuse Helpline?
Dealing with elder abuse can be a confusing, painful, distressing and sometimes overwhelming time for older people, families and anyone who witnesses it. The contexts in which elder abuse occurs are often complex and multilayered.
When you call the Elder Abuse Helpline, we can talk through your concerns in a safe, confidential conversation. We will help you assess risks, examine relationship dynamics, seek pathways and options, ask questions and find out about support services. We take the time to listen and understand your situation and offer a safe, respectful space to talk.
What is Elder Abuse?
Most commonly elder abuse is financial, psychological or emotional abuse. Financial abuse might be the misuse of a person’s bank card, using a Power of Attorney for personal gain or coercing someone to give you money. Psychological abuse could be shouting at, intimidating, pressuring or degrading an older person. In other situations, elder abuse can take the form of physical, social or sexual abuse, as well as neglect.
What else does the Elder Abuse Prevention Unit do?
In addition to the Helpline, the Elder Abuse Prevention Unit also:
- Connects with community groups and workplaces to raise awareness of how to recognise and respond to elder abuse
- Publishes comprehensive elder abuse statistics in its Year in Review available via the website (view here).
Please check out this short video recently created by the Elder Abuse Prevention Unit.
Check out the Elder Abuse Prevention Unit brochure.