There are a vast number of services that may be available to help you to maintain your independence and remain living in your home. When making decisions about your housing future, it may be beneficial to consider what supports are available in the area you wish to live. Some questions to consider are:
- Are there formal supports in the area?
- How long is the waitlist for services?
- Are there family or friends nearby who might provide some support?
- Is transport available?
Another aspect of planning for the future involves advance planning around what would happen in an emergency if you could not make decisions for yourself. Do you have an Enduring Power of Attorney or Advance Health Directive? Do you have a Will? Have you spoken to family members about your wishes? You may also consider talking with your doctor about whether you should get a medical alert ID bracelet or necklace.
More information
More information on what to consider can be found by moving through the other topic-specific links. Alternatively, you can contact Seniors Enquiry Line on 1300 135 500. We can provide you with some resources and information on services in your chosen location, as well as tips or tricks to look out for.