There are several services that may be available to help you to continue to live independently at home.
Home Assist Secure
Home Assist Secure provides safety-related information, referrals and subsidised assistance for critical home maintenance. The service is for Queenslanders who hold a pensioner concession card, are aged 60 years and over, or people of any age with a disability, who cannot perform or pay for critical home maintenance. The subsidised assistance may include yard and outside maintenance, small repairs and maintenance, smoke alarm-related tasks as well as jobs, repairs and maintenance requiring a licensed tradesperson.
Medical aids and equipment
A range of medical aids and equipment are available to help you in your home, such as alerting devices, equipment or modifications to help with using the bathroom, mobility aids, or aids to help you reach things. The LifeTec website provides information about the types of products available, as well as suppliers. Funding for some medical aids and equipment may be available from the Australian Government’s My Aged Care and National Disability Insurance Scheme or the Queensland Government’s Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme.
My Aged Care
My Aged Care is the entry point to access Australian Government aged care services (home care and residential aged care) and information. You can apply for an assessment, find providers, estimate fees and manage your services.
My Aged Care Help at home
Help at home services can cover a wide range of categories including help with shopping, cooking and cleaning, transport solutions, nursing, occupational therapy, home maintenance and more. For more information you can visit
National Disability Insurance Agency
The National Disability Insurance Agency is responsible for implementing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS can provide funding for supports and services. If you are aged between 7 and 65 and need support or special equipment because of a permanent and significant disability, you may be eligible for assistance.